IB Curriculum Model


The IB Middle Years Program is an internationally acknowledged course of study designed to meet the educational needs of students between 11 and 16 years of age. It provides rigorous academic challenges and life skills appropriate to adolescents. All students participate in Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the MYP at Glasgow , and eligible students complete the program in 9th and 10th grade (Levels 4 and 5) at Stuart High School .

At Glasgow, teachers use the IBMYP to to deliver Fairfax County Public Schools's renowned Program of Studies. Students meet learning standards and achieve content area benchmarks aligned with Virginia Standards of Learning. This curriclum and its accountability measures ensure parents and the community that our students obtain a broad traditional foundation of knowledge as well as process and thinking skills. MYP trained teachers transmit this knowledge using instructional methods that help students see relationships between subjects, ideas, and peoples.

Language And Literature is the school's language of instruction - English. At Glasgow, Language A incorporates courses for English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) who are eligible to have their study of English fulfill the IBMYP's second language requirements. Language Acquisition provides studies for most students at the high school level; offerings at Glasgow include Spanish, French, and Arabic. In addition to standard courses of instruction, immersion students and fluent speakers of Spanish take classes geared to their specific needs. Individuals and Societies encompasses history and the study of geography embedded in Fairfax County Public Schools' Program of Studies. Glasgow offers a full range of courses in the fine and dramatic Arts, including an award-winning orchestral, band, and chorus program. In Mathematics, students may pursue studies in the standard curriculum as well as accelerated coursework in advanced number theory, algebra, and geometry. Glasgow students learn about Design by exploring computers, materials, and technology in every course. In addition, dedicated design courses are available in Family and Consumer Science, Technological Systems, and Industrial Technology.