Description of after-school programs

Glasgow Middle School

 After-School Program

Descriptions of Activities and Clubs


Mr. Liedtke

Rm. B-126

 We are very excited to offer our robotics community a fun and action-packed season!

The REC Foundation’s mission is to increase student interest and involvement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by engaging students in hands-on, affordable, and sustainable robotics engineering programs. Through remote and in-person activities, students increase their innovative thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, enhancing their academic journey to build a talented workforce in various STEM-related professions.

Some of the world's technologically advanced companies are eager to hire the next generation of innovators from REC Foundation programs. It’s our goal to leverage competitive robotics to see students increase technical abilities while learning workforce skills and having fun with their team.

The REC Foundation is dedicated to providing the guidance and resources to ensure that the season and competitions run smoothly so that all participants, coaches, and volunteers have a rewarding experience. We encourage you to explore resources here in the Digital Welcome Kit including VEX IQ Competition Slapshot information, VEX IQ STEM Labs (with free curriculum), VEX IQ Educator Certifications, free software downloads, and much more.

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)

FBLA Middle School is the middle school division of Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. FBLA helps students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs.

Flag Football

Mr. Lalande


Students will learn the basics of flag football, learn teamwork and communication all while playing the game. We will play by official flag football rules. Students are not permitted to wear cleats; however, gloves are allowed if students chose to wear them. We recommend bringing water bottles since the club will take place outside on the field. This will ensure students do not have to leave the club to go into the school to get water. This year we will be operating the Flag Football club in both hours of activity time. Flag football will happen on Tuesdays and Thursdays with 6th grade happening in the first block from 2:20pm – 3:20pm, and 7th/8th grade happening after snack time from 3:45pm – 4:45pm. The plan is to hold this club until November/December depending on weather.  (Fall/Spring)


Capital One Coders

Ms. Smith


Students receive instruction on how to code and apply it to real-world applications. ( Fall Session: 9/17-24-12/3/24)

Cooking Club 

Ms. Concaugh

Rm. F-231

Students will learn the basics of prepping, cooking and making delicious food selections in a fun, safe environment. Students will be expected to listen and follow directions of the kitchen to ensure safety!

Awesome Blossoms

Rm. C-137B

Ms. Arceo

Female students will engage in dialogue to promote personal development, increase leadership skills, and support their peers.

G.E.M.S (Glasgow in Engineering, Math and Science)

Hey Glasgow! Are you interested in STEM? Do you want to work with TJ students to do fun experiments and lessons? Come to GEMS on Wednesdays during the academic block to learn more about STEM-related topics. Some of our past lessons include airbags, density, as well as math games.  We also offer homework help in all school subjects. Feel free to stop by and get help in math, science, English, and another language (if we have a tutor available). 

Homework Hotspot

Rm. Cafeteria

Various Teachers

Students are put together into a controlled study hall group where they can receive homework help, project assistance, and further academic support.

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a very fun school based organization where schools from all across the United States learn STEM-based subjects, compete and have fun. There are 22 events, with 3 event types: study events, where you have to learn about a topic such as the weather or electricity; lab events, where you have to use different properties of chemicals in a lab setting; and build events, where you build something like a car before the event and run it at the event. Each school gets 2 teams of 15 people, so if enough people are interested, everyone can do 3-4 events with partners. Glasgow hopes to compete in the competitions this year!

 Your Gifts Club

Ms. Adams 


Students will learn:

  1. Basic financial and wealth concepts to assist in developing corresponding attitudes.
  2. Financial and wealth concepts from thought leaders

A greater value of themselves through identifying their gifts

Table Tennis

Aux Gym

Do you like table tennis? Are you interested in learning? This game improves concentration, hand/eye coordination and provides physical fitness. 

Weightlifting Club

Mr. Allison/Mr. Meyer

Location: Weight Room

Teaching students about the mental and physical benefits of hypertrophic exercises and the proper conduct and practices of a weight room.

SGA(Student Government Association)

Mr. Shelton

Rm. Library

Students who participate in SGA will learn how to represent student opinions, addressing school needs through targeted programs and maintenance of tradition, and providing opportunities for leadership development in order to enrich the quality of student life.

 Gaming Club 

Various Staff


Gaming Club is an opportunity for students to socialize and have fun together based on their hobby of playing video games. Students will have an opportunity to play multi- and single player games, spend time discussing stategies and preferences. 

Dance Club

Ms. Zafar

Aux Gym

A club for anyone who just loves to dance! We will be learning about different dance styles, trying a few of them out, and hopefully putting together a dance that we can perform as a group. No experience is required, you just have to like moving around, listening to music and having fun!



Develop creativity and build your writing skills with fun group activities. Become an author! Your writing will be printed as a real book with your name. Write Brain is for English learners who love to write OR just get better at writing. Everyone will grow, learn and make new friends.

Muslim Students Association

Mr. Elthahir


MSA at Glasgow is all about coming together and learn about your Muslim peers at Glasgow. In addition the MSA will have an open discussion to learn about Muslim’s in general and their life and how it’s like being a Muslim student. We will also be learning about Islamic cultures and beliefs around the world. 

Board Games Club

Students will exhibit sportsmanship, self control, team building and information sharing all while playing board games in a fun learning environment. All skill levels are welcome!

Chess Club

Mr. Bulman


All skill levels are welcome, and beginners are encouraged to attend. 

 After mastering the rules of the game, beginners will learn major tactical themes, opening principles, common checkmating patterns (rook & queen vs. king, rook & king vs. king, etc.), and algebraic notation (how to record your moves to review later). Intermediate and advanced players will gain experience with more advanced tactics (zugzwangs, underpromotion, smothered mates, etc.) and deepen their knowledge of opening theory. 
There will also be time for open play and game review each session. Dedicated members will have opportunities to participate in tournaments

Volleyball Club

Mr. White/Ms. Gulding


Volleyball Club will allow students to learn basic skills, fitness and nutrition tips relating to volleyball.We begin each session with a dynamic warm up followed by drills to help you pass, set and hit the ball. After drills, we play volleyball games to help develop our skills as well as learn game strategies and rules.

Astronomy Club

Mr. McGilberry


To expand students knowledge on the universe and technology that pushes for our expansion into space.

Arts & Crafts Club

Ms. Williams


Students will take away a craft based in the sciences. The club will allow students to enjoy crafting with each other with a bit of science thrown in. There will be 10 crafts to kick off the year!

Basketball Club

6th, 7th, 8th Grade


Students in each grade level will have the opportunity to develop skills, play against others in their grade level to develop skill, enhance teamwork and confidence.

Club Glasgow

Various Staff


Students are able to have free time to talk with friends, play video/board games, and to participate in fun activities. 

Book Club

Ms. Villanueve


Love Reading? Love talking with Friends? Come join us at Book Club to read and talk about books chosen by the group! We'll all vote on a book in the firs meeting and we'll read together and discuss what we read.

Teen Cuisine

Ms. Concaugh


Students participate in an intensive 7 week cooking class designed to provide nutrition practices to students learning how to cook healthy meals.

Open Gym

Gym Staff


Students can play a variety of different sports i.e. (soccer, volleyball,) in an open gym rotating setting. No team committment required.

6th Grade Soccer Club

Mr. Scattareggi


6th graders will be able to work on skill development and techniques to play soccer.

Flag Football

Mr. Lalande


Students will learn the basics of flag football, learn teamwork and communication all while playing the game. (Fall/Spring)

Star Wars Club

Mr. Zamora


Club members will play against each other in a custom Star Wars tabletop miniature game using figures based on the movies. This game involves a lot of math, adding, subtracting, and strategizing. Students who love Star Wars can learn how to play quickly and learn while having fun and playing together.

Poke'mon Club

Mr. Zamora


Participants will learn the intricate ways of battling in Poke'mon through the use of cards and math. Club members will learn type charts, match ups, team building, and strategy to win games against each other in Poke'mon battle emulated through the use of custom trading cards.

Japan Club

Ms. Soriano


Japan Club is a club where you can share your interest in Japanese culture, food, anime, manga and more! We will also learn basic Japanese if you are interested in learning a new language. 

Dungeons & Dragons

Mr. Allison


Bring your custom costumes (no masks) when you come Join Dungeons & Dragons club to create and experience the adventures of your imagination with D&D players.


Ms. Friel/Justice Students


Are you interested in getting a head start in high school athletics? Do you want to try something new? If you've heard of rowing and want to see what it's all about, come try out the Glasgow ERG Program. Justice HS rowing students will be coming to the Glasgow Afterschool program to teach the basics of ERG’ing, a fundamental part of rowing. The erg machine mimics the action of rowing on water, and is a great way to introduce yourself to the sport. We will meet every 3rd Wednesday of every month during 2nd block.