School Counselors

What does the Glasgow Middle School Counseling Program Look Like?

Career Counseling is addressed in a variety of ways. Glasgow counselors are constantly recommending students for career-based opportunities outside of Glasgow (STEM workshops, summer camps, and volunteering, etc.). We conduct classroom lessons in all grades where students are educated about Career Pathways and given interest inventories. These tools allow our students to be matched with possible career options based on their likes/dislikes. The department also coordinates a Career Day for our students at the end of each year and career lessons. The AVID program allows us to coordinate college tours and disseminate college information to Glasgow.

Glasgow Counselors work with students diligently to ensure that students are successful in the classroom at Glasgow. Conversations and skills building is coordinated in small group settings as well as individual sessions. Counselors are continually working on the attendance piece as well by identifying truancy cases and working with students to overcome obstacles- some that are in their control and some that are not.

Personal/Social issues can range from thoughts about oneself (self-respect, assertiveness, self-esteem, etc.) to making friendships to the extreme  “mean girl” trend.  Glasgow Counselors address these means by providing classroom lessons and/or interventions about bullying, providing parents with information about important conversations at home, and working with students to teach them important skills that will help them navigate through their teenage years and the rest of their lives. We work with administration to help keep them abreast of Glasgow trends to ensure our hallways safe and classrooms a fun place to learn.

What are some of the things we do as counselors?

  • Individual Counseling
  • Small Groups
  • Classroom
  • Parent Workshops
  • Pamphlets