School Innovation & Improvement Plan

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance

Glasgow Middle School |  Fairfax County Public Schools  |  Region 2  |  Victor Powell, Principal

2023-2024 SIPP At-A-Glance

English Language Arts Strategies


By June 2024, the percentage of students who did not pass the Reading SOL and demonstrated growth, will increase by 25% ( this is an increase from 24% to 49% growth) By June 2024, the percentage of students who pass the Reading SOL will increase from 54% to 75%. By June 2024, the percentage of special education students who pass the Reading SOL will increase 10% or from 29% to 40%. The SOA pass rate for SWD will increase 7% from 32.89% to 39.6%

  • Strategy 1: Effective use of the engagement model as a structure for student learning
  • Strategy 2: Increase the frequency of formative integrated reading and writing tasks (i.e. reading responses, annotations)
  • Strategy 3: Plan and implement a Reading Boot camp specifically for special education students who scored 350-399 on the 2023 Reading SOL

Mathematics Strategies


By June 2024, the number of students who are taking Algebra for the 2024-2025 school year will increase by 10% from 41% to 51%. This would be increasing the enrollment by about 55 students. By June 2024, the overall SOL scores of students with disabilities  in math 6 and math 7 will increase by 15%

  • Strategy 1: Improve teachers’ implementation of the Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction
  • Strategy 2: Increase school communication about open enrollment to ensure all school staff (including elementary schools) communicate a shared message around open enrollment and mathematics course pathways
  • Strategy 3: Improve academic advising processes to encourage students to open enroll in Math 7 Honors or Algebra 1/H

Science Strategies


 ELL pass rate will increase from 8% to 18%. Pass rate for all students will increase by 10% as measured by the Science 8 SOL

  • Strategy 1:  Increase opportunities for students to develop and apply disciplinary literacy skills of reading, writing, critical thinking, and discourse
  • Strategy 2:  Develop tier 3 vocabulary through explicit vocabulary instruction and small group lessons
  • Strategy 3:  Expand the type and frequency of formative assessments to evaluate progress throughout units

Chronic absenteeism Strategies


By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we will lower chronic absenteeism from 24.6 (Level 3) to 20% (Level 2)

  • Strategy 1:  Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support
  • Strategy 2:  Develop community partnerships to promote engagement opportunities for increased student attendance
  • Strategy 3:  Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support

School Selected Strategies:


By the end of 2023-2024 school year, our school will utilize Responsive Advisory Meetings (RAM) and restorative practices effectively to create a caring and empathetic school culture, increasing schoolwide scores on the Supports and Environment Domain of the SEL screener by 5%; from 54% (Spring 0f 2023) to 59% (average middle school Score in FCPS)

  • Strategy 1: Partner with teacher leaders to develop Responsive Advisory Meeting (RAM) lessons aligned to VDOE SEL standards and deliver those lessons schoolwide with fidelity
  • Strategy 2: Implement the Restorative School Project
  • Strategy 3: Conduct Tier 2 Restorative Practices Attendance or Tardy Circles twice a year with progress monitoring