After School Activities

After School Sign Up!
Middle School Athletics
After School Overview
The After-School Middle School Program at Glasgow provides students with valuable educational experiences, support for social-emotional health, leadership skills, and athletic opportunities, all within a comfortable environment.
Cost: There is no fee for participation in the after-school program.
Participation: Every student must submit their after-school application before participating in the program. In order to participate in activities students and/or parents are required to sign up for after-school activities each day they are interested in participating. Sign-ups can take place during students' Lunch period. Sign-ups are only required (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs.), there are NO SIGN-UPS required on Fridays.
Schedule: The After-School program operates Monday through Friday. After school is divided into two sessions for students. The first session is scheduled from 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm, the second session is scheduled from 3:45-4:45. Please see schedule for specific activity/club.
Transportation: Transportation is available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Friday, parents will need to arrange transportation.
Tips: Discuss your child’s after-school plans every morning to prevent any confusion in the afternoon.
Encourage your student to get involved in as many activities as possible. After school is a great time to receive extra academic help, join new enrichment clubs, make new friends, and explore interests.