
After-School Activities Descriptions
After School Schedule
Glasgow Middle School After-School Program
The after-school program being operated at this site is exempt from licensure as per §22.1-289.030 of the Code of Virginia and has no direct oversight by the Virginia Department of Education.
What is the Glasgow After School Program?
The mission of the Glasgow After-School Program is to provide students with a supervised and structured vehicle for academic, athletic and art enrichment and remediation opportunities. Social, life, and prevention skills are integrated into this design. This free program provides a mixture of diverse academic and non-academic supervised activities to our students. Students have the option to choose what they would like to do after school as well as the ability to try different activities daily. Snacks may also be provided, depending on the activity!
Why Join?
Based on research, there are a lot of positive outcomes that come from staying after school:
- Increased classroom participation, homework completion and academic performance
- Improved student behavior
- Better student/adult relationships, peer relations, and emotional adjustment
- Improved school attendance
- Improved attitude towards school
- School, family, and community partnerships/connectedness
- Develop new interests
- Foster new friendships with students other than classmates
- Academic Support
- Supervised and engaging environment
How do I sign up?
1. Complete the After School Registration Form with your parent/guardian BEFORE staying after school.
2. Choose what program you would like to attend AND tell your parent/guardian.
3. Stay after school!
Note: The After School Registration Form must be completed and submitted to Mr. Williams prior to a student staying after school for any reason (even for academic support). Paper copies of the form are also available in the Main Office and Cafeteria.
All students are required to register for the After School Program if they would like to attend(Including Homework Assistance with a teacher). If you would like to register your student for the After School program, here’s the link to register.
When can students stay after school?
Students may stay after Monday-Friday for activities with parent and teacher permission. FCPS late bus transportation is provided on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Late bus assignments and stops are not the same as regular bus assignments. If you stay after with a teacher on Friday’s please arrange a ride home when done with your activity.
After-School dismissal is at 4:45 pm.
Parents are responsible for prompt pickup and transportation home. After-school activities will not be held on Fridays when the following Monday is a student or Federal holiday. On early release days, there are no activities after school.
Can my student start a club?
Absolutely! Please see Mr. Williams for club requests. Club petition forms can be found in Schoology.
- Students are not permitted to leave school grounds and return during afterschool.
- Students should make arrangements prior to the end of the school day when staying after with a specific teacher to ensure the teacher is available.
- Students are not permitted to wander around the building during afterschool hours.
- Discuss after-school plans every morning to prevent any confusion in the afternoon for the parent or student.
- Various clubs/activities will be added as the year progresses. Be sure to check the afterschool calendar regularly.
- Clubs/activities are offered based on student interest, financial capabilities, as well as staff availability to sponsor.
- Due to limited space and resources, some activities do require try-outs and/or signing up to participate.
- All FCPS rules and regulations apply during the after-school program. Students who do not abide by such rules and regulations will be disciplined accordingly including the possibility of losing after-school privileges.
- In the event of an early closing due all after-school activities will be cancelled and students will be sent home on their regular buses.
- If your child is absent from school, they are not permitted to participate in after-school activities that day.
- Students with academic obligations should fulfill those prior to attending a non-academic club or activity.