Attendance Reporting

Full-day absence, late arrival, or early checkout

Attendance Reporting

Report attendance using one of the methods below.

  • ParentVUE 
    • Beginning in the 24-25 school year, parents/legal guardians can submit full-day absences using ParentVUE. Learn more about attendance reporting through ParentVUE.
  • 703-813-8787.

When reporting a student's absence, please be specific about why your student will not attend school today.  

  • If reporting an ill student, include symptoms, especially if they have a fever, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and/or cough. If your student has a diagnosis from a healthcare provider, please include that information.

Attendance Policy--- Fairfax County Public Schools Regulation 2232

FCPS expects students to be in school and follow their assigned schedules unless their absence is excused due to illness, a death in the family, a medical or dental appointment, or religious obligations. Parents must give the school a written explanation for any student absence or late arrival. Parents are asked to call or email the school attendance line if their child will be late or miss school. If school officials do not receive notice, parents will get a call and an e-mail through the Keep In Touch (KIT) system notifying them that their child has not arrived at school as expected. Absence or tardiness is unexcused if the parent does not inform the school in advance or supply a note when the student returns to school. Students are required to make up missed work. Students who attend school regularly and arrive on time are more likely to perform well academically.

Attendance is checked daily by period and for all-day absences calls and e-mails are sent at 10am and after 4pm via an automated attendance system from Fairfax County Public Schools.


  • All Day absences must be excused by the parent or guardian by calling the main office or using the attendance form on the Glasgow Middle School website
  • Prearranged absence form (family travel, upcoming medical appointments, etc.) MUST be requested in writing at least two days prior to the absence and given to the child's administrator (D'Adamo, Ritchie, or Madigan) in the main office for approval.
  • If you receive a call-out message, please check or have your child check with the classroom teacher for that period.


  • Please note: Fairfax County Public Schools are very strict about tardies. The following will not be excused:  oversleeping, power outages, car trouble, traffic, and missing the bus.
  • If your student is going to be late to school:
    • The parent or guardian must call the main office and leave a message notifying Glasgow Middle School that your student will be arriving late.
      • Ms. Anchundia or Ms. Camacuari can help you in the main office - (703) 813-8700
    • S/he must bring a note to excuse the tardy,  OR
  • If a student arrives late at any time during school hours with or without a note, s/he reports directly to the main office.

Checking Out From School

To check out your student from school (doctor’s appointments or other excused absences):

  • Planned Sign Out
    • Send a note with your child to bring to Ms. Anchundia in the main office before school starts. 
    • Please note that if your student becomes ill during the day, he/she may ONLY sign out from the Clinic.
  • If you were unable to send in a note in the morning, a parent/guardian MUST do the following:
    • Park and come into the school. Please leave plenty of time.  You will have to check in at the main office. 
    • At the main office, sign your student out, and we will send for your student.  Please note that if your student is in PE or lunch, or if the class is out of the classroom, this method may take extra time.